i3wm, Compton, i3lock, xscreensaver, notifications
Using i3lock and compton seems to let dunst/notify-osd and other notifications (chrome) bleed through to the lock screen.
Using i3lock and compton seems to let dunst/notify-osd and other notifications (chrome) bleed through to the lock screen.
In working further on a video project, I had to re-encode (reencode?) them to a lower bitrate for slower connections.
I had to trim some videos to a 30 second clip, and needed to do it in a way that kept the codec. Using straight ffmpeg, I couldn’t figure out how to get an m...
I run weechat to integrate chat communications and protocols. I recently found the notify.py script that was invaluable for dunst notifications.
I like to listen to video conferences and podcasts at higher than normal speeds. Brightcove video doesn’t allow you to speed it up, so I was wondering if I c...