Rostrum vs Restroom
At church, there are labels on the walls for the different room types –bathrooms, offices, classrooms, cultural hall, the chapel and others.
At church, there are labels on the walls for the different room types –bathrooms, offices, classrooms, cultural hall, the chapel and others.
Check out my Pixar film report on investments vs returns adjusted for inflation.
Pirate O’s: Trader Joes swashbuckling cousin!
I just realized Huey Lewis and Chris Cornell’s voice sound eerily similar.
Hey Intermountain Health, Candyland called. They want their font back.
Wait a minute! “No smoking sign on your cigarette break”…. That never stopped any smoker that I saw. They would just go right along and smoke away. Not so ir...
Stanley, the new Blender Bottle.
My 10,000 experiments to learn something (not 10,000 hours) goes a little something like this:
Big difference between 0-day and Day-0 in the software world!
I once had a friend from the UK.
Rumor has it that Madonna and Post Malone have been dating for a while and are getting married.
Interesting Deceptive Naming Techniques
Why is this needed? There needs to be an easy-button for dealing with hundreds of emails for root access to AWS accounts. These emails are used for:
My parents were geniuses. They didn’t believe in buying crappy toys that would bust two seconds after being purchased.
Back when I was a kid in the 80’s, we couldn’t afford all the cool gadgets, gizmos and toys all the other kids had. This made it very challenging for me, wh...
Today, I bring to you a pretty incredible band you gotta check out. I’ve been listening to them for a few years, and they rock. Some of their stuff sounds a ...
What people believe vs reality is a lot of times different. Take for example your application architecture. What was documented in the past may not be a true...
Is ChatGPT biased against GitHub when compared to Gitlab? You decide! Here is the conversation I had with our new robot overlord.
I just met with Colby Meline for an informational interview. We had a wonderful conversation, and if your looking to fill a junior developer role, I would st...
Building further upon my “Deploy a container to AWS in 5 lines of code” post, I wanted to add artifactory and a post-deployment test.
Quick one liner to get AWS users in an account:
If you’ve been in tech for more than a few minutes, you’ll note that naming things is always a challenge. Some that I’ve come across are:
Whelp, unbeknownst to me and just prior to my last post, AWS announced that OpenSearch Serverless is now generally available.
Rightsizing AWS OpenSearch. This was a recent task of mine that came up to help one of our engineering teams. The problem with rightsizing effectively is tha...
As a cloud architect, my position and responsibilities sometimes be ambiguous, so I need to gather research and information to assist in determining our stra...
How easy is it to deploy your code to AWS? It’s as simple as 5 lines of code to have a completely hosted publicly available website.
I’ve been diving deep into AWS CDK recently, and started with
I had a use case come up recently for cross account access to grant the user in one account (Account A) to a different account’s (Account B) S3 bucket. The r...
Growing up means wearing different footwear inside vs outside.
Where do unicorns come from?
Primus is a band who has been around since the late 80’s. Ever since I was introduced to them by a good friend (hey J!) I’ve always been fascinated by them, ...
Been working on some AWS reports lately, some for EC2 and OpenSearch to help determine costs, and what it would take to migrate to Graviton instances.
No more PATs! No more PATs!…well, almost. I was setting up a new local development environment, and found that that you no longer have to cache your Personal...
Health is #1
Wow that title is a mouthful!
At home, I needed a way to prevent anything but OpenDNS from being used for DNS, and needed a rule that would do it in OpenBSD PF.
AWS provides a list of their IP ranges for you to use when configuring whitelists, firewalls, and other things. The list is available in JSON from:
I was just doing some testing of the AWS Data Migration Service (DMS), and it isn’t obvious when setting up endpoints that the public IP address of the repli...
My daughter has played this song a few times for me called, “Doin’ Time” by Lana Del Rey. I had to explain to her that there is a better version, and that th...
The greatest band you’ve never heard of —Dredg
This is a quick one for today.
What happens when you mix some great musicians from Primus, The Police, and Phish? Is it “P-cubed?” Or “P-To-The-Three?” As much fun as those play on words w...
Today, I discovered a new band that is surprisingly good. It’s sort of like a cross between Rush, Black Sabbath, and David Bowie. The band is called Amplifie...
Today, I am dropping two recommendations, because I missed last Friday.
Recently, I have been collaborating with a few folks at work by sending them some music recommendations on Friday’s. One of them recommended that I go bigger...
( ••)
New music Friday is back!
I kept getting these annoying alerts from Netlify on each deploy of my website due to mixing http content with my site that is on https.
EL PRESIDENTE! The new, barely-elected president was celebrating her victory. She felt she was born to win this, and nothing could take this from her. All h...
I get a bit frustrated when I see messages from large corporations (like banks) state that their services or site will be unavailable for extended periods of...
For me, it never fails. I go to purchase some sunglasses, put them on for a few seconds, and they look and feel good, so I go ahead and buy them. Then when ...
Summary By implementing best practices for IT Operations and Information Security, businesses can increase profit by reducing costs and increasing revenue th...
How to Identify and Prevent Data Sprawl
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
This $4.99 (USD) eBook describes a basic IMAP connection Ubuntu setup from mutt to control your Office 365 or Outlook mail. This should also work with Mac a...
Is this ideal? No…What could ever go wrong with an unattended upgrade? Run this at your own risk!
This is to help automate MS RDP in Sierra (should work in other versions)
This is just like I had to do in Linux, except the directory already existed. Create directory and add a file called 10-monitor.conf
You need go version 1.7x, so it may be in stable…I went with 6.0 -current
Just need this little Powershell snippet for later:
KDE Connect
Using i3lock and compton seems to let dunst/notify-osd and other notifications (chrome) bleed through to the lock screen.
In working further on a video project, I had to re-encode (reencode?) them to a lower bitrate for slower connections.
I had to trim some videos to a 30 second clip, and needed to do it in a way that kept the codec. Using straight ffmpeg, I couldn’t figure out how to get an m...
I run weechat to integrate chat communications and protocols. I recently found the script that was invaluable for dunst notifications.
I like to listen to video conferences and podcasts at higher than normal speeds. Brightcove video doesn’t allow you to speed it up, so I was wondering if I c...
In case you need to set arguments for cloud foundry application on startup: cf set-env appname-uat JAVA_OPTS ',handshake'
I’m a big command line nerd. What can I say? And with so many ways to contact and communicate with people, what better way than to integrate everything into ...
I wanted to do some quick video tutorials on using tmux. Let me know what you think in the comments below:
Well everyone, I saw the new Star Wars last night. Was it good you might ask? I would reply and say that it was good…but that is all, only good. It could hav...
The normal method of editing the chromium.desktop file didn’t work in i3 setting the flags in chromium. I also tried some .profile settings too, which didn’t...
One specific Halloween party I remember from my youth was when we were at church with all the young’uns gathered round. I’m sure I was looking forward to hav...
In order to mount an luks encrypted drive in Linux (Debian Jessie)
Had some fun today trying to reproduce an application error request to a rest endpoint with cli tools.
I needed to compile the mutt e-mail client with slang so my colors would work correctly. This is how it’s done:
Just messing around with quemu, and needed to install a VM easily onto a physical disk. The magic command was this:
I re-created my art page. I also added these images to my blog cover image. Here is “a little taste of the glory…see what it ...
Short version: Move regularly
Nitty Gritty I’ve been using the mutt e-mail client for about two years now. I love mutt. I’m a die hard Linux/BSD guy, and am in the console a lot. I love...
I need oracle tools to diagnose and troubleshoot. This is the easiest, and least intrusive method I’ve found: Download and extract the "u01" folder from t...
I switched my site over to OpenShift for hosting, and changed my theme as well. I’ll try to update soon!
Since my “Space Captain Rowan” book is open source made with the open source software, Inkscape, I decided to move it over to github. This actually makes it...
Just some notes on setting up mutt in tmux and using vim for the default editor.
“visual studio 2012 rptproj The application which this project type is based on was not found”
Alien/Mask Concept Art
From my page here:
2011 in Review: Patents Misused to Stifle Innovation
Used TCP dump (again) to fix an issue today. Thanks to all the developers of this fine tool!
I needed a way to encrypt files with GPG via the file manager (Thunar) right-click-context-menu in XFCE.
Had a bit of issue re-routing all sound through HDMI. Here is the fix:
I’m trying to build Chrome OS on Ubuntu since I can’t sleep, but git doesn’t like my proxy authentication wrapper.
Dysart Unified School District saves more than $100,000 by switching computer operating systems to #Linux
I have 278 contributions so far for 2010 in our IT documentation #wiki
I took off this past week to extend the holiday, and spend time with the family. Unfortunately, I came down with a cold at the beginning of the week which...
Reconfigured #Squid #proxy. Came to the conclusion that #Netflix on #Wii doesn’t like proxies. Bypassed it just for Wii IP using #PF rule.
“The [ #COICA ] bill is an unconstitutional restriction on freedom of speech and a threat to innovation.”
Used a friends #Droid today. The on screen keyboard was far better/more accurate than my experience with the #iPhone or blackberry #Storm
Repackaging our #ERP client with #AdminStudio for #Zenworks
#OpenBSD 4.8 released Nov 1st!
Next Wed. I will be presenting on #Inkscape an open source #vector #graphics program. Anyone is welcome to attend!
Setting up #kvm #virtual #Linux server today.
Tired of Viruses & Malware? Want a better & open computing environment? Newest version of #Ubuntu #Linux is here:
Updating #FreeBSD Hadn’t noticed before since I usually call fastest_cvsup from another command. Result: “Speed Daemons” lol #CVSup #BSD
Remotely configuring several #Cisco ASA’s.
Finishing e-mail migration from hosted platform to internal #GroupWise system. #Novell
Microsoft’s Ballmer: Android Isn’t Really Free — You Have To Pay Us For Patents via @techcrunch
IBM Demos Single-Atom DRAM:
(This is a cool solution I posted to the Novell website)
Working on some bundles in Zenworks Configuration Management #zcm
Learn something new every day: #Solidus #Mathematics
This is a test.
Is it overly nerdy of me to use #RequestTracker (RT) at home for personal use? I just finished setting it up w/ #Postfix and #GMAIL #SMTP.
Russian Soda Commercial using #Blender3D by ARt DDs -
#awk one liner for parsing string in a file between parentheses: awk -F ‘[()]’ ‘{print $2}’
Today I started changing our disaster recovery plan. It involves an on-site hot spare with a large #RAID array, #Linux and #RSYNC
Just recovered a deleted photo off my #SD card using #PhotoRec It’s a great tool for recovering files and photos.
My presentation this past week on Soekris and Linux went pretty well. There were 9 of us there, and we stepped through an Ubuntu server installation. We had ...
One of the many great things about Linux is choice. You can choose from a vast array of file system types to keep your data on. You can even slice and dice...
From Eben Moglen: I believe that Oracle sees clearly the nature of its business interests. It knows that MySQL is much, much more valuable to it alive than ...
Currently I’m adding some ACL’s in one of our Cisco ASA’s.
Doing some further research on change management.
I read about an interesting tool that is being integrated into Xen that offers high availability. It is developed by The University of British Columbia. Our...
I finished importing my blog from That was painless.
Princeton scientist makes a leap in quantum computing
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet. Mark Twain
A notice displays information that explains nearby content. Often used to call attention to a particular detail.
As Chrome was just released for Linux, I just got it installed on my workstation.Screenshot:<img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:ce...
I had some troubles with some newer Netopia modems and configuring them in routed subnet mode. The modem wouldn’t pass any outside traffic to our Cisco route...
<img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px; height: 181px;” src=”
<blockquote>“A lot of people have laughed at me. Theysay that they buy their software onlyfrom very large companies and thatthese companies will be aro...
I was doing some research on some open source Network Attached Storage (NAS) utilities earlier this morning, and came across FreeNAS. It is based on FreeBSD...
Just an informative post for anyone looking for rates on premise data/com cabling in the Phoenix area. I just spoke to a highly trusted source, and in the v...
aticonfig --set-pcs-str="DDX,EnableRandR12,FALSE"
I had to add this onto the startup script for GroupWise to function better on SLED:<blockquote>/opt/novell/groupwise/client/bin/ -jvm=-Dawt...
I just found this handy reference site here: was my script that find...
Just some notes for ncpcon:ncpcon connection list grep usernamencpcon connection clear connection#
<img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 100px; height: 100px;” src=”
I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for project management tools for Linux, and this one caught my eye: It is GPL, and I must say looks very slick. They have...
I found this nugget here, and it saved me some time getting some serial numbers straightened:<blockquote>dmidecode grep -i serial&...
<img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 100px; height: 100px;” src=” is great at making long URL’s (web addresses) small and easy. Check this one out:
<img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 64px; height: 64px;” src=”
<img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 120px; height: 116px;” src=”
One of our users purchased the blackberry 8900 today, and the address book wouldn’t sync. In order to wipe it and repopulate from the server, go to the addr...
User rights ACL’s on windows xpcacls “C:windowstemp.” /e /g EVERYONE:Fcacls c:windowstemp /e /g everyone:f
cat file01.mpg file02.mpg file03.mpg > alltogether.mpgOther notes:mpegdemux -d -s 0xe0 source.mpg dst.m1vmpegdemux -d -s 0xc0-0xdf -b audio_##.mpa source....
#!/bin/bashffmpeg -i “$1” -ab 128000 -ar 44100 -b 200000 -s 320x240 -ac 2 “$1”.mpg
At work I needed to install subversion for the programming department. The problem I ran into was that SLES 10 does not include subversion in their reposito...
I’ve tried to register a hardware care pack with HP, and it doesn’t work in Firefox. This is the error:error ‘80004005’ <p> /csn/csnfw/system/sys_shel...
Notes on openswan troubleshooting and various sundry rotary girders:/usr/sbin/ipsec auto –add “connection name” #before using –up/usr/sbin/ipsec auto –up tun...
I successfully connected a Cisco ASA 5505 and Openswan using IPSec VPN recently at work. I’ll have to post the configuration files when I have time.
Nice tool to change computer names in M$ Windoze.
This little utility creates printer definition files from your installed printers. Works sweet to replace the regular drivers for NDPS since they sometimes ...
I’m testing out XEN, and am trying to figure out the best way for networking. Above is what I am attempting.
Found the fix here.<blockquote> The available solution is in the openSUSE 10.3 Release Notes:Older Intel Graphics ChipsOlder Intel graphics chips are s...
Updated to Ubuntu Hardy Heron last night, and it went nice and smooth. Everything came up afterwards, and the only differences I’ve noticed are:Speed: It se...
I didn’t realize that Ubuntu had mini.iso’s like debian until I had a laptop that required a net boot.
I’m trying to workaround cygwin hanging when using rsync over ssh in a “pull” mode. I used to have it set up to where each box would “push” to a central ser...
After setting up ncsa_auth in squid (FreeBSD 6.3), Java applets wouldn’t run. I found this link that solved it.<blockquote>You can solve this by creat...
I was having troubles setting up WHFC, and JHylaFax didn’t have all of the cover page variables I needed, so I took to looking around for a new HylaFax clien...
Just add ‘perl’ in:/etc/sysconfig/apache2Under the APACHE_MODULES section.Done!
Dear [Boss], <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;" lang="en-US">I’ve answered your questions further on down, but let me preface these questions with an expl...
I had a hard time finding something that would list what a user has access to in eDirectory. I then found out about trustee.nlm. It is already part of the N...
I couldn’t find anywhere on the web that showed how to reset the CAROOT password for this version of ArcServe. After speaking with customer service, just ru...
Mplayer is my default media player, and I recently caught an episode of “Jericho.” CBS boasts that you can watch their full episodes online. I have had the...
I’ve just put a Hylafax server in production, and now am in process of fixing little issues. Some things that have cropped up are:Resizing legal faxes to le...
I was setting up an HP LJ4Plus as a printer for Hylafax in OpenSUSE 10.2, and received the error:w2 invalid persAll it needed was a driver change in CUPS. ...
I had a dicken’s of a time trying to come up with a good way to customize the Hylafax coverpage for our company. I was able to get partially there from modi...
Just wanted to post this for those anyone having trouble with setting up Hylafax, and get the above message.I was able to specify the modem speed by guessing...
I’ll preface this by saying that I made some of the icons you see on the pic and stuff (the Nacho one, and the one just above him). This is my home PC runni...
If you understand the title, you truly are a geek….just like me.Since I am an uber geekster of the computer variety, I like to setup firewalls, operating sys...
[[Modified]]Does anyone know how to tar and gzip an archive over ssh so it ends up compressed on the remote host?For example, boot from Knoppix to rescue som...
Jan 20 2007…Just wanted to update this. The days I was trying to do this, the Ubuntu servers must’ve been overloaded. I tried it again, and got everything ...
Map drive cygwin:I had a dilemma whilst executing cron jobs on a box that needed some NetWare drives mapped. (This ought to work for Windows mapped drives a...
The trick is to install the Novell services (i.e. NSS) during install time, rather than after.This worked, and we’ve got RSYNC working on traditional OES Net...
Since this was at one point the most accessed entry on my blog, I’ve updated it with more templates.See here:
I did a minimal install of this NOS, and things went great. When I went to add some Novell services it choked hard. Not only did it have me rotate CD’s lik...
I kept getting this error when trying to port forward on an ssh connection to a remote server:“channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection timed out”I...
I found some old stuff from my senior project. Notice the Autobots logo? It is so sweet. The project consisted of sending IP strings over a cell phone to ...
You know you’ve been using vi too long when you start pressing “esc” to try and save your work in Notepad.
Test<p>This is a test from my linux boxen using “Blog Entry Poster”</p><p>June 30th 11:18</p>
There was a device someone read the name to me. It was supposed to be “Ethernet Broadband Router.” They said, “Ethanol Baudband Rooter.”I found it funny.-La...
I was using for a while, and I didn’t like it a whole lot. I tested the Google personalized home page, and it works even better.
10/25/06Here is a template for all for the Avaya 4412D+ handsets.Blank One:BLANK.PDFBLANK.SVGORIGINAL.PDFORIGINAL.SVGThe SVG’s should be editable if you down...
I finally got it up and running on me laptop. It was dang easy with OpenSuse 10.1.
Just upgraded to the newer version of Ubuntu. It was released today. So far, so good!
I was having troubles playing DVD’s in Xine. It kept dropping frames. I finally found a fix:Enable dma mode on the CD/DVD drive.Do this by:sudo hdparm -d1 ...
You’ll need Mplayer and Lame of course to do this.Here is my script:#########################################!/bin/bashecho “Enter name of URL to capture”rea...
Maybe it’s already available in one of the Linux desktops, but it would be cool if you could label your shell windows with a title of your choosing. Somethi...
I came across a question on I tried to answer, but it wouldn’t let me. It said the post was too old and wouldn’t get a response (and therefore...
I finally got the e-mail to fax gateway working. Faxes come in from the world, then transferred into a pdf attachment and finally are e-mailed to the user o...
Suse 10<p>Testing out the new version of OpenSuSE. It is pretty good thus far. I chose the Gnome desktop since I don’t normally run it. I usually us...
Don’t you hate it when you go to a website and it reads, “click here to see a larger image,” and you click it and the image is the same size?Well, I came acr...
hyla# faxaddmodem ttyf2Sorry, I been testing Hylafax at work. It is a fax-server. It has the abilities for lots of junk. We are using it for being an e-mai... write your congress rep and tell them “Heck No” on passing the DCSAPlease also see EFF for mo...
I cannot believe this happened. I know it was talked about for the past several weeks, but sheesh! I cannot stand Disney.And ya’ll know how I feel about...
I’ve started testing (again) Blender, the Open Source 3d animation software. It is pretty sweet. I’ve tested it out before, but coming from 3d studio max, a...
Well,After working on my Fedora Core 4 upgrade for several days, I’ve finally got a working system again. I had a problem with the tv listings. Needed to u...
Updated my Linux box last night, and am psyched to test it out…Prolly need to tweak it to get my MythTV back up and running. Also considering buying another ...
I have been testing out Blender, the Open Source 3D Animation/Design software. The cool thing is that a bunch of guys are going to do an Open Movie using thi...
I called HP directly about this issue, and these were my findings: I didn’t want to sign up on HP’s lame forums to post the solution either, so here goes. ...
I finally got sound working under MyhtTV and my PVR-250. It has been quite the process. But I have learned some, so it was worth it. Now I need to configu...
As an avid advocate/user of Linux (an operating system for those of you who no habla geek), I feel it my duty to share the goods
I was reading a nice article that is pro BSD. See here. I found one of the funniest quotes in there: “Due to the nature of the business and financial const...
Can’t let this act pass. It is very bad. read here We want to innovate.
If you haven’t got the links already,…. Minibosses (Nintend0 Songs) Freezepop (Electronic Songs)
Just wanted this to be available for people who didn’t want to register on HP’s site for the WebJetAdmin software