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Compiling Mutt With Slang

less than 1 minute read

I needed to compile the mutt e-mail client with slang so my colors would work correctly. This is how it’s done:

qemu & physical disk

less than 1 minute read

Just messing around with quemu, and needed to install a VM easily onto a physical disk. The magic command was this:


less than 1 minute read

I re-created my art page. I also added these images to my blog cover image. Here is “a little taste of the glory…see what it ...

Mutt Offline Outlook365 With mbsync

6 minute read

Nitty Gritty I’ve been using the mutt e-mail client for about two years now. I love mutt. I’m a die hard Linux/BSD guy, and am in the console a lot. I love...