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PFS First Choice Running on XP

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I came across a question on I tried to answer, but it wouldn’t let me. It said the post was too old and wouldn’t get a response (and therefore...

Hylafax on Suse 10.0 Fax to E-mail

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I finally got the e-mail to fax gateway working. Faxes come in from the world, then transferred into a pdf attachment and finally are e-mailed to the user o...

(no title)

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Suse 10<p>Testing out the new version of OpenSuSE. It is pretty good thus far. I chose the Gnome desktop since I don’t normally run it. I usually us...

Pet Peeve

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Don’t you hate it when you go to a website and it reads, “click here to see a larger image,” and you click it and the image is the same size?Well, I came acr...


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hyla# faxaddmodem ttyf2Sorry, I been testing Hylafax at work. It is a fax-server. It has the abilities for lots of junk. We are using it for being an e-mai...