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Lame Law Submitters DCSA

less than 1 minute read write your congress rep and tell them “Heck No” on passing the DCSAPlease also see EFF for mo...

The Disney and Pixar Merger

less than 1 minute read

I cannot believe this happened. I know it was talked about for the past several weeks, but sheesh! I cannot stand Disney.And ya’ll know how I feel about...

Back into 3D

less than 1 minute read

I’ve started testing (again) Blender, the Open Source 3d animation software. It is pretty sweet. I’ve tested it out before, but coming from 3d studio max, a...

MythTV Setup

less than 1 minute read

Well,After working on my Fedora Core 4 upgrade for several days, I’ve finally got a working system again. I had a problem with the tv listings. Needed to u...

Fedora Core 4

less than 1 minute read

Updated my Linux box last night, and am psyched to test it out…Prolly need to tweak it to get my MythTV back up and running. Also considering buying another ...